Product Lines

A fully complete "Ready-to-Wear" line!!!

Well aware of the complex and rapidly evolving market, Gallus works ceaselessly to best respond to fast fashion customers with a complete and well-organized offer that makes full use of its synergies.
A leader on the Italian fast fashion market, with a style department that has a keen eye for new trends and boundless creativity, Gallus develops tasteful products and continuously updates its offer in the quintessential Made-in-Italy style for which it is known around the world: fine craftsmanship combined with an attentive interpretation of European and international customers’ needs.
Total control over the entire chain, a feature that is typical of vertical groups like Gallus, enables us to offer our customers customized development of the pattern, colour and base that they desire, quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, we also offer another advantage rare on today’s market, in that we have nearly all products readily available in stock, which makes us one of the very few companies capable of offering a stock service with items, patterns and colours in line with the latest trends.